
Hey there, you awesome, self-motivated, lifelong learner YOU.

Our Sassy Story

It all started with a tragedy.

Sassy Digitals was created on November 2022, exactly 2 months after our father died, clueless of what's to come... ​

We joined forces and created a digital agency that specializes in copywriting with tech-set up. Much to our surprise, only a few weeks after, we closed multiple clients! ​

Fast forward to March 2023, we thought of paying it forward by creating an intensive 5-module course specializing in Copywriting AI. ​ Our course, Scale Slay with Copywriting, was born out of the success of Sassy Digitals.

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I know what it's ​like to walk in ​your shoes.

Because I've walked plenty - I've celebrated the highs ​and cringed at the lows. I've cheered on my successes ​and groaned at my failures.

Throughout my journey as a consistent 6-figure ​copywriting agency owner, I've gained a lot of ​invaluable insight on what works and what doesn't-- ​especially with the help of AI.

But here's the good news, you don't have to go ​through the stress and isolation of learning.

With my guidance, we can skyrocket your success ​and enjoy the journey along the way.

Let me help you achieve groundbreaking growth and ​fulfillment in your copywriting business through my ​course; SCALE SLAY WITH AI COPYWRITING.

Abstract Gold Sparkle 6

Scale Slay with AI Copywriting is the

first female-led AI Copywriting course

in the Philippines.

Be one of the first to journey

in the future of AI Copywriting.

The feedback from our students is truly humbling

Cropped shot of portable workplace with open laptop, notebook, coffee cup and copy space in glass partition office room

Students are getting results while still in the course

And we have no choice but to open the next one

with bigger course benefits

Here's What You'll Get

Whether you call it confessional or a think tank, working with me means having a safe haven to learn, grow, and get your most pressing questions answered.

Buildable Facebook UI Outlined Groups Icon

Access to a private FB Group

An exclusive space to learn, receive announcements, and get more resources

Open Book Icon

Access to 5-Intensive Modules

Detailed and easy-to-follow lessons for 5 copywriting platforms


Comprehensive Assignment Checking

With 5 0ne-on-Ones Coaching to kickstart your copywriting career!

That's not it. Here's more.

This course is a bang for your buck, because these are included:

Hand Pointing Book Concept Illustration

Prompts and Commands

PDF Handbook

This will help you hone and practice your skills with your AI

Quality Ribbon Medal Winner  Award Icon

Client Mock Up Presentation

An exclusive space to learn, receive announcements, and get more resources

4 Guest Expert Sessions Recording

We previously invited 4 Guest Experts who will share their knowledge and expertise with everyone.

this is a self-paced course

with Guided coaching


Meet the Experts

Looking to take your skills to the next level? Look no further than our team of experts!

These seasoned professionals are ready and eager to share their knowledge and help you pursue your dreams. With their guidance, you'll be equipped to take on any challenge and seal the deal with clients. So why wait? Sign up today and join the thousands of students who have already benefited from our expert-led courses.

Whether you're just starting out or looking to enhance your existing skills, our team has what it takes to help you succeed. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to learn from the best - enroll now and start your journey toward success!

Aiza Coronado

Topic: How to Find a Winning Landing Page Idea

Aiza is the Founding Partner and Copy Chief of CaaSocio.

Before fully venturing to freelance, she was an ex-engineer who used to earn a living testing silicon chips during the day and writing copy at night. When she entered freelance, she spent 5 years as an in-house marketer and copywriter for a SaaS team.

Fun fact: Aiza started writing drip emails back when Intercom was just 4 yrs old​. She is also married to a product engineer.

Allan Ngo

Topic: Make an Extra 30-50k a Month with the Power of Affiliate Marketing

Allan is an Email marketing coach and consultant for info product owners by profession but underneath the surface, he fancies himself as a changemaker.

He believes that education is the ultimate equalizer. The right knowledge to the right person at the right time can change someone’s life. That’s why he’s helping coaches and course creators write emails that skip the spam folder, stand out like a guy in a sorority party, and get read like juicy gossip.

Giving entrepreneurs the income they deserve while empowering people to realize their dreams.

Maria Agbada

Topic: Premium Welcome Sequence from E-Commerce Biz

Maria is a true success story in the world of business and marketing. With her experience as a former BPO employee, she knows the ins and outs of what it takes to deliver results for clients.

When she started freelancing, she helped generate an impressive 7 figures in results (USD) in just 30 days. As a coach for EEMLA (Email Marketing Love Affair), Maria is a trusted advisor to her clients and is constantly seeking new ways to help them achieve their goals.

Her own success as a consistent 6-figure earner speaks to her expertise and dedication. And with her enrollment in Marc Allen's Think and Grow Rich Mastermind, Maria is always pushing herself to learn and grow.

Neri Villacorta-Marcos

Topic: How to Write Story-Driven Case Studies That Persuade Qualified Clients To Work With You

Neri Marcos is the CEO of Neri Marcos Digital, a direct response copywriting agency for course creators and industry experts.

She specializes in course launches and has been working with international clients in the US, UK, Australia, Belgium, and Iran since 2018. She's also a copywriting coach for aspiring Filipino copywriters.

Neri is also one of the Tribe Coaches of The Freelance Movement Tribe, a premium freelancing community in the Philippines.

She's also a certified public speaker in the areas of motivation, inspiration, personal growth, and self-development.

RJ Vargas

Topic: The Magical Power of Words and Nuances:

A Guide to Mindset Reframe

Meet RJ Vargas, the Self-Trust Sage, where storytelling meets ​swagger!

RJ Vargas isn't just a storyteller, she's a master weaver of ​narratives, a copywriting genius, and a fervent advocate for self-​trust. She knows that your most potent tales lie within you, ​waiting to be unleashed.

Right now, she's on an epic journey, diving deep into the realms ​of NLP, timeline therapy, and hypnotherapy. Guided by a ​trailblazing Filipino mentor, she's on the fast track to certification ​from the prestigious American Board.

RJ Vargas is rewriting the book on how to trust yourself and ​reclaim your story. Get ready to embrace your inner power and ​let your narrative shine like never before!